Wilkins Public School P&C

The object of a P&C Association is to; promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, carers, citizens, pupils and teaching staff into close co-operation; and in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school (Federation of Parents and Citizens’ Associations of NSW Incorporation Act 1976).

About Wilkins P&C Association 

The Wilkins Public School P&C is an engaged, approachable and friendly group of parents, carers and teachers who work to enhance our children's educational experience by facilitating a good working relationship between parents and the school. We support WPS so that the teachers can deliver the best educational programmes and enhance the curriculum where we are able. The P&C puts time and effort into raising funds for the school which can be spent on resources that may not otherwise be available.

Our major fund-raising and events include: our biennial Fair Day (even years); Parent night out (odd years); Family movie night (in celebration of mothers day and fathers day), Community BBQs, Welcome Evenings for Kindergarten and Stage 3; annual Walk-a-thon, assisting the Wilkins Green and staffing and coordinating the on-site uniform shop.

The P&C is also an invaluable resource for parents providing opportunities to understand the school's needs and priorities, to work with and get to know the teachers and staff, and to share our school experiences as parents and carers. We are always looking for ways in which parents and carers can contribute to the school using their existing skills and expertise.

We welcome new parents and carers at any time of the year. We truly feel that everyone in the WPS community has something to contribute. Annual membership (each calendar year) is $2 and paying for membership ensures that you may vote within the meeting.

A few of the things the P&C has done to support the school...

Did you know over the past few years the P&C has assisted the school by contributing to the cost of the new COLA over the asphalt, installing the toilet /deck and COLA in Wilkins Green, installing the two COLA's outside the music room, upgrades to the Library, upgraded the wet area's outside classroom, playground upgrades including asphalt markings and new play equipment, installed new air conditioning in classrooms and the hall and upgraded the audio in the hall. 


The Wilkins P&C usually holds meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm via Google meets or in person. Please see below to confirm precise meeting dates.  In person meeting are held in the school library.

P & C Meetings for 2025

Meeting agendas and minutes are published on the P&C folder of the Parent Info Hub